Friday, December 13, 2013

{Review} The In-Between @StMartinsPress

The In-Between
When Elanor’s near-death experience opens a door to a world inhabited by bold, beautiful Madeline, she finds her life quickly spiraling out of control

Fourteen-year-old Elanor Moss has always been an outcast who fails at everything she tries—she's even got the fine, white scars to prove it. Moving was supposed to be a chance at a fresh start, a way to leave behind all the pain and ugliness of her old life. But, when a terrible car accident changes her life forever, her near-death experience opens a door to a world inhabited by Madeline Torus . . . Madeline is everything Elanor isn’t: beautiful, bold, brave. She is exactly what Elanor has always wanted in a best friend and more—their connection runs deeper than friendship. But Madeline is not like other girls, and Elanor has to keep her new friend a secret or risk being labeled “crazy.” Soon, though, even Elanor starts to doubt her own sanity. Madeline is her entire life, and that life is drastically spinning out of control. Elanor knows what happens when your best friend becomes your worst enemy. But what happens when your worst enemy is yourself?

With her debut novel, The In-Between, Barbara Stewart presents a bold new voice in teen fiction.

Haunting, Compelling Story of Lost, Love, and What It Means To Be Alive. 
The first thing I want to say about this book is that even through the main character Elanor is 14 the content of this book I would recommend to readers in Junior and Senior years.  

This will not be a book for everyone.  This book deals with suicide, the death of family, and the paranormal (ghosts). It was much darker than a lot of YA that I have read. But, that made the book very good.  It makes you think about the people in the world that have mental illnesses.  Are they really crazy or are they just perceiving something that we can't.  Elanor has this issue after her family is in a horrific car accident.  I can't explain to much without giving the story away.  But this is one dark and haunting read.  I loved the character of Elanor she was written wonderfully. And her mental stability through out the book goes from fine to disordered to again fine in such a way to make you want to keep reading.  She will make you second guess what is going on until the last few pages.  Now I can say that this book I read very fast. Although the story itself is on the slower side.  I was flipping pages to find out what was going on.  I would classify this one as mystery meets the paranormal with a little psycho added in. 

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Excerpt From the First Chapter  

I was pronouced dead at the scene of the accident. My lifeless body slumps over the cat carrier in the backseat of the twisted wreck. Bloodstains bloom through my T-shirt and jeans, and my hair sparkles with bits of broken glass. My parents sparkle and bloom too. They are in the front seat, pinned upright by the dashboard of our crappy little hatchback. The airbags slowly deflate, floating down over them like freshly washed sheets. My mother's cheek is pressed against the side window. My father's head droops, his chin on his chest. Even with all the blood we look peaceful, as if we're napping at a rest stop before continuing the long five to our new home. 
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.


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