Tuesday, November 12, 2013

{Review} Dark Canvas

Dark Canvas
When artist, Kira McGovern mixes paints with the ashes of the dead, she discovers her extraordinary gift, bit it also leads her to some horrifying crimes in this pshchological thriller of a novel.


Born in New Orleans, JODY SUMMERS' life has been filled with unconventionality. The adopted son of a prominent Texas restaurateur, Jody grew up in New Orleans, Memphis and then Houston, learning the restaurant business while he built a career as a competitive gymnast that propelled him to a scholarship at the University of Kansas.

After college, Jody followed in his father's footsteps owning, at one point, three 24-hour restaurant franchises along with four tanning salons in Tulsa. Finally leaving that business, he turned his entrepreneurial skills to everything from a patent in the Pet Industry to a Single's website.

A restaurateur, a gymnast, a stunt man, an entrepreneur, a pilot, skydiver, scuba diver, and an accomplished martial artist for twenty-five years, Jody Summers has tried it all. Now he brings all those experiences to paper in his first novel, the romantic thriller, DARK CANVAS.

To learn more please visit www.darkcanvas.net

Well this one was ok to say the most.  I wish that the author would have gotten a better editor.  From missing words to a lot of proper names in dialogue this one does a lot of telling instead of showing.  It had a lot of errors and then entire beginning is nothing but narrative which slows down the story and just made me not want to read it at all.  The concept was very interesting but the executions was just not done to its fullest.

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."


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