Tuesday, November 05, 2013

{Author Fest} Ashelyn Drake @AshelynDrake

Ashelyn Drake is a New Adult and Young Adult romance author. While it’s rare for her not to have either a book in hand or her fingers flying across a laptop, she also enjoys spending time with her family. She believes you are never too old to enjoy a good swing set and there’s never a bad time for some dark chocolate.

Romancing the R.A. (Campus Crush, #1)Noelle Buckman is looking forward to making a fresh start in college, one that doesn’t involve immature high school boys. The second she steps on campus for freshman orientation, she can sense the possibilities. Especially when she spots Andy, a resident advisor who’s not just hot but also thoughtful enough to open doors for a girl. 

And Andy has his eye on Noelle. Even when her nerves take control and she thinks she comes off as a hillbilly with no direction, Andy can see what she’s really like and he’s more than a little interested.

But orientation is less than two full days and there’s an entire summer between Noelle and Andy. Will her attempt to romance the R.A. be as short-lived as college orientation?


Tell me about your book. How did you come up with that (story, angle, idea)?

My college experience was a great one, and it had it's share of crushes. That time in a person's life is so surreal because you're discovering yourself and opening yourself up to the possibility of love. I knew I wanted my first New Adult series to be about campus crushes and how they can shape your future.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
No matter how much I try to keep my own experiences out of my writing, they pop up in some way or another. I'll change them slightly to fit my characters instead of me, but I can't help taking a trip down memory lane when I write.

How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
New Adult is hot right now. There's no denying that. And I can see why. 18-25 just might encompass the best years in a person's life because so many changes are happening. You're finding your place in the world and you're old enough to truly experience love.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When I'm not writing, I'm playing with my daughter, usually on her swing set if the weather permits because you are never too old for swings.
Do you have any favorite authors or favorite books?
I love Simone Elkeles's Wild Cards. She won me over with that book. I also devoured Easy by Tammara Webber.


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