Saturday, October 26, 2013

{Review} & {Giveaway} Perfect Ruin @LaurenDeStefano

Perfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles, #1)
On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best friend Pen and her betrothed, Basil.

Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially when she meets Judas. He is the boy being blamed for the murder — betrothed to the victim — but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find — or who she will lose.


Lauren Destefano earned her BA in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing from Albertus Magnus College in Connecticut in 2007. This is her first novel.

Ok now im mad! The reason is I now have to wait an entire year to find out what happens next!  This book reminds me of another like it called Revelations by Jessica Souders as well as Breathe by Sarah Crossan.  Where they are trying to escape their worlds.

In the short I LOVED IT!  I read it in a day and I so want to read more!!  I hope to get an ARC of book two way sooner than a year from now!  But, at least I have other stories to keep my company until then.

I love how much time Destefano took in creating this new world that hangs in the sky.  It didnt bog down the story and it really made you think about what the characters are going through.  I would be one on the ship no doubt!  I have always wanted to travel the world.  I loved all the characters especially Basil whose love is unyielding even after all the world goes to crap!

I think it would be interesting to know when you were going to die like they do in this story.  That you are born you are married off and you know who you are going to be married to at a young age.  Then you do what you can for your trade and then you are basically killed off. All in around 80 years or so.

It would also be interesting to know who you are going to marry.  With them being in 10th grade they already know.  It would be neat to form ties that young.  I think in some cases it would form bonding relationships.  The only sucky thing is if your betrothed dies then you are stuck being along FOREVER and well thats just not cool.  That I couldnt live with at all.

Ok so this one is a big giantic 5 stars for me!  Now to hunt down a finished signed copy!

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."

The time you were waiting for!!  The GIVEAWAY!

I know I posted something about this on facebook a while back ago!  So here it is!

Its simple!  Follow, like, share, etc any and all ways possible then comment below with what you did and your email!

There will be a few winners ranging from my ARC to both print and ecopies!

And as always it is open to EVERYONE!


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Thanks for the giveaway!!! :D

Thanks for the giveaway! I follow via email: mestith at gmail dot com

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm dying to read this book!

bloglovin follow: brookea2006
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twitter follower: @brookea_2006

oops, forgot my email: brookea_2006 at yahoodotcom

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Not sure if this is open, but I hope it still is! :3
Followed by:
Twitter - @xoxSadique
Facebook - Jessica Noreault

and tweeted:

Thanks for the chance if its still up!

-Jessica Noreault
Shinyxoxmuffins at gmail dot com

I'm glad to hear that you liked Perfect Ruin! I admit that I have not read any of Lauren Destefano's books yet (although I did borrow Wither from the library one time, but didn't get around to read it).

Followed via Bloglovin: Ariel Tam
Liked on Facebook: Ariel Lola
Email: puppy(dot)lover2417(at)yahoo(dot)com

Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC & bloglovin follower as Szappanbubi
email: porcukorborso at gmail dot com

thanks for this amazingness!!

Shared on twitter! I can't WAIT to read this book!

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