Tuesday, August 06, 2013

{Review + Giveaway} Rot & Ruin + Giveaway Part 1 @JonathanMaberry

Rot and Ruin (Benny Imura, #1)
In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.

Jonathan Maberry


JONATHAN MABERRY is a New York Times best-selling and multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning horror and thriller author, comic book writer, magazine feature writer, playwright, content creator and writing teacher/lecturer. His books have been sold to more than a dozen countries.

I really did love this book and cant wait to finish the series!  Although I dont agree with Zombies were once people to and they should get respect. I do understand it.  I am a big believer that if zombies happened now that I would just kill them all and try to retake small sections of the world. Leaving them alive (undead) is not really helping anyone and there is a greater chance of them killing more people!

I loved all the characters but think that Tom should have been teaching Benny everything he knew and not wait until Benny turned 15. I think that Benny would have been better prepared for dealing with the Rot and Ruin.

So today is the start of the 4 Day giveaway!  To start out you will have to watch the following video!  The first question is listed at the end!

So what will you win?! This giveaway is open to everyone and you will win the following!

1 Grand Prize Winner will get - ALL 4 finished copies of the Rot and Ruin Series
1 Winner will get- ARC of Fire and Ash book 4 in the Rot and Ruin Series

Without them we would not be able to do this giveaway!  The finished copy of Fire and Ash was purchased from donations made to this site!

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own." a Rafflecopter giveaway


In my honest opinion most zombies are totally and utterly unlikable. Rottinb body parts and eating coprses? Gross.
But I do have a favourite zombies. Yes, I do. Ever heard of Zombie Loan? Japanese anime and manga by Peach-Pit?

From the movie Idle Hands. The 2 zombiefied friends of the main character are hilarious! I love that movie! :)

I would have to say the movie Zombieland because normally zombie shows/movies scare the bejeezus out of me, but this one wasn't so bad because it was a comedy along with the zombies. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!

I haven't really read or watched a lot of zombie stuff. I've seen Warm Bodies & watched the first couple seasons of the walking dead but that's been about it. I have had the Rot & Ruin series on my TBR list... Just haven't had a chance to check them out yet.

Thank you for the chance to win them!

Shaun's friend Ed from "Shaun of the Dead". Come on, a zombie you can play video games with? What's not to love?

i love the main character in warm bodies. i love the concept of the movie.it was nice to get a different view from the zombie's perspective.

I agree with Josh above -- SHAUN OF THE DEAD was a wonderful movie with a great zombie character!!! I loved it!

I really liked R's character from Warm Bodies. Warm Bodies was terrific zombie rom-com, and it was very true to the book!
-Scott Reads It!

So the reason I'm here is that Rot and Ruin was my number one favorite read of 2012. So my answer is Rot and Ruin! I've been waiting for the fourth book forever, so I'm dying to win an ARC of Fire and Ash. I loved Rot and Ruin the most out of the 3 I've read so far because it is so thoughtful and opens up a very intricately designed society in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Great giveaway!

Christina @ Ensconced in YA

My favorite zombie film is FIDO. It is completely whacked how society integrated the zombies into their rebuilt society.

My favorite zombie is a toss-up between two cinematic zombies:
The Tar Zombie from “Return of the Living Dead” – Frankly, the coolest, creepiest zombie out there. It was also our first taste of semi-intelligent zombies w/ a stated preference for brains.
The Shark-fighting Zombie from “Zombie (Zombie 2)” – Come on. It is a zombie who fights a REAL SHARK while underwater. What is there not to love about that?

I think my favorite zombie book was the first zombie book I ever read, called The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. Actually, the whole three part series is amazing. There's a love story and its a bit over the top but the events the main character goes through are heart-wrenching. I would love to go into more detail about it but I would give so much away! There are so many twists and unbelievable surprises.

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