Monday, July 22, 2013

{Review} Breath of Iron @KateCross_

This title will be released on August 6, 2013
Sworn to protect England from all enemies, the Wardens of the Realm are ever vigilant. But not all battles are fought on a battlefield…sometimes they are fought in the heart.

As chief surgeon for the Wardens, Evelyn Stone fears her own life is on the line when she is kidnapped by a band of pirates—only to discover that the airship captain is Gavin “Mac” MacRae—her former lover. The man whose life she once saved. The man she abandoned.

Since Evelyn left, Mac made his mark as both a pirate and a pilot. But his true allegiance isn’t known. So when he asks Evie for help with a wounded woman onboard, he tells Evie that the woman is his wife—even if his feelings for Evie have never waned…

As the days pass, however, the unease between Evie and Mac gives way to the old comfort they used to have. Yet, their newly ignited romance is complicated by conflicting loyalties and desires, and a betrayal that may cost them both their love and their lives.

About Kate Cross

I’ve always loved stories. My mother would read to me as a child, but more often than not, she’d make up her own stories to tell me. She always made me part of the process, asking me what I thought should happen next. This grew into a love of books and a love of writing. I wrote my first story (that I can remember) at age 8, and my first book at age 12, and my poor mother sat and listened to me read aloud a portion from every project.
Occasionally she would ask me how I came to ‘know about such things’ but other than that she never told me that something I had written was wrong or unacceptable for my age. I’m sure I must have terrified her at times! There were nights when she would knock on my bedroom door and tell me to go to sleep, only to find me laboring over a notebook, scribbling like mad. I would reply, “I can’t!” and she would shut the door. One Christmas I came downstairs to find a writing desk and electronic typewriter (yes, I’m dating myself) waiting by the tree. We were fairly poor, and I’m not sure how she and my father were able to afford the the setup on a lumberjack’s pay, but it was the perfect gift.
Ten years later I was living with my fabulous boyfriend (whom I later had the good sense to marry), and working at a job I hated with a manager I despised even more. My boyfriend suggested I quit the job, go back to university and, “write that book.” Since we were living in Canada at the time, and a full year of university would only run me a few thousand dollars, I decided the risk was worth it.
I sold my first book before the start of my second year. It was a historical romance, and the beginning of a career that would land me on the USA Today bestseller list, win me a few awards, and see my words translated into roughly a dozen languages. Best of all, that career introduced me to so many wonderful people, many of whom I consider good friends.
Since my first book came out in 2001, I’ve written more than 25 books and 3 novellas, all of them for publication. I begin every book with the mantra — to make it the best book I can. Each new project is a way for me to improve and grow as a writer. I’m always eager for the next book because each one is like a new beginning

DEFF DO NOT READ THESE OUT OF ORDER!  I think this will be the last book that I read in a series where I have not read the first books that came before it!  This is a wonderful sexy book! But I found myself not knowing whom certain people were because I had not read the first two books.  So as soon as I track down copies I will be updating this review as well as adding reviews for the first two books.  But all in all this is a 4 star for me and a 3 star flirty!

This was a very inventive, steampunk world and I so cant wait to grab the first two books in this series as well as the next one! Kate is deff going on my fav author lists!  This book was sexy, sizzling, adventurous and action packed with romance, spies, and wonder! A Deff Must Read!
"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."


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