Tuesday, July 23, 2013

{Review} All My Restless Life to Live @DeeDeTarsio

Fans of Marian Keyes and Jennifer Weiner will delight in Dee DeTarsio’s sparkling prose and lively dialogue as she takes readers into the heart of women’s lives.

Life is a soap opera, especially for Elle Miller, who writes for one. (Ellen dropped the “n” in her name in hopes of finding a better ending for herself.) When her laptop crashes, she borrows her recently deceased dad’s computer and gets way more than she bargained for. 

Elle unravels mysterious communications from his computer, while her mom decides to give Internet dating a try. As Elle tries to save her career at I’d Rather Be Loved with a storyline featuring a trip through Atlantis, she takes a trip to the Emmys, and finds herself in the middle of a romance between a real doctor and a hunk who just plays one on TV. 

Friends, family, and clues from “the other side” all help Elle figure out the difference between living the good life and living a good life. 

Filled with friendship, love, loss, betrayal, and challenges that force her characters to find their place in the universe, Dee’s novels give us that hopefully-ever-after we're searching for.

Dee DeTarsio is a Winner of The 2013 San Diego Book Awards, Romance category, for Haole Wood, as well as a 2013 Next Generation Indie Awards Finalist.

About The Author
EE DeTARSIO is a TV writer living in southern California. After growing up in Ennui, Ohio, and graduating from The Ohio State University she vowed never to be cold again (in a tantrum more worthy of Suellen than Scarlett) and ended up in Tucson, Arizona, producing the news for the CBS affiliate, oddly enough called KOLD-TV. She moved to San Diego where she worked in the SeaWorld entertainment department as a producer/writer. (Penguins are mean!) She then became a producer/writer for the NBC affiliate.
Dee DeTarsio
Dee is the author of hopefully-ever-after novels: THE SCENT OF JADE, THE KITCHEN SHRINK (both finalists in the prestigious San Diego Book and Writing Awards),  'TIL SOMEBODY LOVES YOU, ROS, and HAOLE WOOD.

Though her mother never beat her (that hard) and her father is not a celebrity, she suspects one of her four sisters is a vampire. 

Dee DeTarsio is a graduate of The Ohio State University and lives in southern California with her family. (She only goes back to visit Ohio for two days in early October because she is equally scared of tornadoes and getting trapped in a snowstorm.) 

This book was a funny and comical ride!  I do think it is one of those books that you will either hate or love.  Although I did like it.  I felt that there were a few things that could have been explored a little more and a few other things that were just out there to far to be believable. But hey for a book that is .99 cents on amazon why not give it a try!

 "*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own." 


Hi Jessica,
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing All My Restless Life to Live! I'm glad you thought it was funny! I hope you are having a great summer—Happy Reading!

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