Sunday, June 09, 2013

{Review} Not by Sight

Not by Sight (Ozark Mountain Trilogy, #1)Her Sister Couldn’t Be Alive … Could She? It had to be Riley Jo. She was certain. . .wasn’t she? But when Abby Cummings tells her mother she thought she saw her sister at the store, her mother quickly dismisses the idea. After all, Riley Jo and their father had been missing for years. Presumably dead. Yet Abby cannot ignore her intuition. Telling her friend J. D., they investigate. But J. D. may know more about the disappearance than he’s telling, or even realizes. And as they work to uncover what happened, all they have to go on is blind faith. Will it be enough. . .especially considering what the truth might be?

Kathy Herman

Kathy Herman
Suspense novelist Kathy Herman is very much at home in the Christian book industry, having worked five years on staff at the Christian Booksellers Association(CBA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and eleven years at Better Books Christian Center in Tyler, Texas, as product buyer/manager for the children’s department, and eventually as director of human resources.
She has conducted numerous educational seminars on children’s books at CBA Conventions in the U.S. and Canada, served a preliminary judge for the Gold Medallion Book Awards of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association , and worked as an independent product/marketing consultant to the CBA market.
Since her first novel, Tested by Fire, debuted in 2001 as a CBA national bestseller, she's added nineteen more titles to her credit, including seven additional bestsellers: All Things Hidden, The Real Enemy, The Last Word, The Right Call, False Pretenses,Dangerous Mercy, and Relentless Pursuit.
Kathy's husband Paul is her manager and most ardent supporter, and the former manager of the LifeWay Christian Store in Tyler, Texas. They have three grown children, five almost-perfect grandchildren, a cat named Samantha. They enjoy cruising, deep sea fishing, and birdwatching—sometimes incorporating these hobbies into one big adventure.

This is a story of Faith in the face of despair and tragedy.  What would you do if your sister and father had been missing for 5 years then all of a sudden there is a chance that they could be alive?  Amy clings the the belief that her sister and father are our there somewhere and will one day come back.   This story had a wonderful mystery to it as well as likeable characters. This one I would rec. to those who love mystery as well as those who are open to the Christian Faith.  PS. I loved the cover!
"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."
BUY THE BOOK ChristianBook 
"Thanks to the publisher or author for sending me this copy!"


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