Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{#14} Tell Me Something

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This week's discussion:
Blogging events: What are some of the blogging events you have you done in the past? What kind of events do you enjoy? What events will you be participating in this summer?

 Well for me this year was going to be the first year I was going to go to BEA in New York which I was supposted to be leaving in like 13 days!  But with my site being taken down and some other issues. I cant go.  So I am going to be going next year.  YAY!!

As for other things I will or have participated in I have an entire page dedicated to this years Reading Challenges as well as a Pinterest board for this years reading challenge which replaced the one via goodreads.

I have also gone to a few signings this year.  And plan on going to a few more in June.  As for hops this year I dont think I will join many more but you never know.

I love to join in on things so if you have something you think I really need to be on let me know!

Next week's question:
Let's talk banned books. How do you feel about book banning? What are some of the banned books you have read?   


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