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About Courtney Cole
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Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could.
She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds.
Every Last Kiss is her debut novel and she followed it with the rest of The Bloodstone Saga (Every Last Kiss, Fated, With My Last Breath and My Tattered Bonds).
Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.
Learn more about Courtney and her books at
Book Description
My name is Mia Giannis.
I am seventeen years old.
I live in Valese, Caberra.
This has become my mantra and my lifeline, having recently lost my memory due to a scary natural disaster.
Yeah. I have amnesia. Messed up, right?
You don't know the half of it.
Not remembering anything has turned my world upside down. My parents try their hardest to “remind” me of who I was, but it doesn't feel right. Or, if what they're saying is true and that really was me, I'm not sure I like that person very much.
And then there’s my love life. Apparently, Gavin Ariastasis is my oldest and best friend in the world. Also, apparently, we’ve never dated. But now, noticing him for what feels like the first time, he’s making my heart do somersaults. He knows me inside and out—the real me. Plus, he’s sexy and charming as hell. Sounds perfect, right?
But then... there’s the new guy. Quinn McKeyen – tall, gorgeous and deliciously American. His mischievous grin and slow Midwestern drawl turn my insides to mush in two seconds flat making me question who I really am and what I really want.
Seriously. What am I supposed to do with all that?! I feel torn between them, but I barely even know who I am, let alone what I want.
I just hope my indecisive heart will clue me in. And sooner rather than later…before I lose what little of my mind that I have left.
Mia's Heart is Book Two in the Paradise Diaries. It is preceded by Dante's Girl.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
we’re finished eating, Quinn walks me out.
We pass through the dining room and I see that my mother is gone. She left her dirty dishes, though. Obviously carrying them to the kitchen would
be unseemly. I’m really starting to hate
that word. I should make a list of the words I’m starting to hate.
I can add more later. Right now, I’m preoccupied with Quinn. And his bulging biceps, long fingers and
mischievous grin. I stare up at him and
“Do you and Reece get along okay now?” I ask
him as we turn onto the staircase leading to the bedrooms. He looks surprised.
“Of course.
Why do you ask?”
“Gavin told me about you and Reece’s
history. So I just wondered,” I
shrug. I’m trying to act
nonchalant. I hope it’s coming across
that way. In an effort to enhance the
act, I make a point of examining the portraits of Giliberti ancestors as we
walk past them. Their eyes seem to stare
into my back. It’s sort of creepy.
“Why are you so interested?” Quinn raises an
So, I fail.
Apparently I wasn’t so nonchalant.
“I don’t know,” I shrug again. “Just
curious. I guess I find everything
interesting nowadays. Everything seems
Quinn smiles, a real and sincere smile. It’s
salt of the earth. Whatever that
“I guess that’s one benefit to amnesia,” he
tells me, as he lightly guides my elbow around the landing. “You get to start over. If you want,” he adds.
I look at him.
“Should I? Start over, I
mean. Was the old me something I should
He stops.
And cocks his head.
And he is oh-so-sexy.
“No,” he says firmly. “Old Mia was someone who
hated the pressure of worrying about what everyone thought. So you hid who you really were. Maybe the new you won’t be so concerned with
I stare at him.
“I thought you didn’t know me that well,” I
point out uncertainly. He shrugs.
“It wasn’t difficult to see,” he answers as we
resume the climb on the stairs. “Just
worry about being who you really are. If
you never remember who you were, that’s fine.
You’re still you regardless.”
“That’s very profound,” I murmur.
And it is.
I’ve been so preoccupied with trying to remember who I was, that I
forgot that I’m still me either way. I’m
just a me without memories. Interesting.
It’s so simple that it’s genius.
We stop in front of my bedroom.
There is an awkward pause. But maybe it’s only awkward to me. Quinn always seems casual. Always relaxed.
He smiles at me now.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he tells me. “I was getting lonely here all by myself.”
“Well, Dante and Reece will be here tomorrow.
So, you’ll have even more people to keep you company,” I remind him.
“True,” he acknowledges. “But I’m most happy about you.”
I startle and stare into his chocolate brown
eyes. “Really?” I whisper.
He nods.
“You don’t hide what you’re feeling much, do
you?” I observe. Quinn’s eyes sparkle in
“I don’t see the point in it,” he admits. “I don’t like games. I don’t like playing them because I hate to
“So you’re a sore loser , then?” I ask with a
But he’s shaking his head. “Nope.
I’m not a sore loser. Because I
never lose in the first place.”
He dips his head like an old-fashioned cowboy,
like something that belongs in a razor commercial or a cologne ad. And then he continues down the hall to his
bedroom and I fight the urge to chase after him.
But I don’t and so I’m left standing in shock
in the hallway alone.
doesn’t lose.
What is he trying to win?
I have a feeling that I am going to be the one
who loses—hours of sleep tonight—trying to ponder that question.
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