Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The Gathering Darkness

Title: The Gathering Darkness
Author: Lisa Collicutt
Pages: Around 300 est.

Buy Links/BN

My Review: 5 stars
"Man I wish this was in print!  I want a PRINT COPY!! This book was so good I was adicted to it and when it was time for bed I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay up and devour this book to its end.  I haven't been adicted to a book this much since I read the Twilight books back before they had all the hype. So Twilight series aside this book was AMAZING! It works as a stand alone or a series which is great! The cover is amazing! (again want a print copy) And I cant wait to see what else this author comes up with. So deff buy this one. Click the link to be sent to Amazon and but this book for $3.99 cant beat that!"                                                     UPDATE!!!  They have it in PRINT!
"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Book Description

 September 21, 2012
They say “third time’s the charm”, and for sixteen-year-old Brooke Day, they had better be right. She’s been here before, twice in fact, and an evil demon-witch wants her dead a third time.

When Brooke is forced to leave Boston for the small town of Deadwich, she thinks her life is over. Before long, her new friends start acting strange—downright evil. But worse than that, nightmares she’s had her whole life become reality.

Enter Marcus Knight; popular, hot, and the only person Brooke can trust. Not to mention, they’ve shared the same nightmares. With the discovery of an ancient Celtic amulet, Brooke and Marcus unravel the secrets of her past, which reveals the key to her future.

As the equinox approaches, darkness and light merge for the first time in a century, soul-mates reunite, and magic awakens.

About the Author

Lisa is a native of Nova Scotia, who takes daily ocean views for granted. She left her urban life far too early and finished growing up in rural NS, where she met her husband and had their son. But a big chunk of her soul remains in the city.

Besides riding on the back of her husband's Harley (because she doesn't yet have her own bike license), Lisa’s passion is writing. Her imagination is like an unleashed pet. It requires her attention every waking hour, whether she’s at her day job, in a store line-up, or driving from point A to point B. Her pet plays on the fringes of her mind, attempting to capture her attention with story after story.

Lisa can't imagine writing without an element of magic. But besides that, she likes to transport the reader back to their first love. There's nothing like a captured glance, or the brush of an arm, or that first time when her lips touch his, to send shimmers of tingles over your body and release those caged butterflies.

Enter Lisa's imagination where light ends and fantasy begins. But heed these warnings: It's dark . . . It's magical . . . You may experience tingles.

"Thanks to Curiosity Quills Press for the review copy via Netgalley but I also purchased my own copy for my ereader (when its alive again) LOVED IT THAT MUCH!"


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