Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Right To Choose!

As you have prob. Seen on my lower right hand side bar.  There are now three new things.  One is a vid from Author Jackson Pierce.  The other two are pictures about gay marriage and the right to choose.  Well I wanted to take this moment to let you all know that No I may not be gay. As I'm married to a man and I am a woman. But I do support everyones right to choose to marry whom they want.  

who are they to say whom god hates?!
As long as that marriage is between two consenting adults (and not an adult and child, ETC.) then they should be able to do that. Marriage is about love not about what is in your pants.  Who cares if two woman or two men want to be married.  Its their right to love whom they want!  

Now it seems that currently Chick-Fil-A supports ORGS that are against gay marriage.  Well I for one will no longer be eating there. Which sucks since my kids love that place.  I guess we could just order a water and I can let them play.  Since that is all they want to do there.  O I'll bring along my laptop and two ipads and use their free wifi as well!  That should eat into their profits.  I'm not against them saying what they want to. As its their right.  But it just seems wrong for them to gain profits and then give them to places that encourage hate.  I mean my daughter has been taken out of normal public school because she had bullies in 1 and 2 grade. Which is crazy if you ask me! 

Its crazy about some of our laws.  Ive been pagan (not a devil worshiper) for almost 20 years.  Ive had people get my phone number can call me up and start preaching to me over the phone. I hang up thinking what is wrong with these people.  Years ago the Dixie Chicks lost sales because of something that they said.  (During a London concert ten days before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, lead vocalist Maines said, "we don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States [George W. Bush] is from Texas".[1] The positive reaction to this statement from the British audience contrasted with the boycotts that ensued in the U.S., where "the band was assaulted by talk-show conservatives"[2] while their albums were discarded in public protest.

I mean would you support a law or constitutinal amendment to ban your religion? Since most Christians support a Constitutional Amendment banning Same Sex Marriage would you support a Constitutional Amendment banning Christianity ? Its crazy right!?  

They say that How could anyone compare a Religion to Homosexuality? 

Christianity is a way of life which grounds people to both Faith and Morales Standards.

Homosexuality on the contrary, is an attitude and Not a civil right.

Religious Freedom is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT that requires protection of any Nation’s Constitution

To compare these two matters is utterly Ridiculous!

Now, let's look at the state of California.

In this state which is both a Liberal and Cosmopolitan State the people here had the opportunity to vote into their state’s legislator the right to gay marriages, but the people voted and said NO!!!

This includes two of the most Liberal cities of our Nation; Los Angeles and San Francisco; home of the homosexuals and even with these two cities the vote was NO!!!

This is Not a Civil Rights matter, but an attitude and that alone cannot cause for a Constitutional Amendment to ban Christianity because "most Christians support a Constitutional Amendment banning Same Sex Marriage would you support a Constitutional Amendment banning Christianity ?"
(taken from)
What makes being gay not a right.  I being straight have the right to marry the man I love so why should anyone else have that same right?!

The bottom line for me is that places are not allowed to stop you from being hired because of this!  Because its illegal.  Well then why shouldn't this be the same way.  Not being in support of gay marriage should be illegal since it is still discrimination.  

Well I support the right to choose!  If that makes you not want to read or look at my site well then that is your right.  

Check these out! And check out her site here>


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