Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder
How do you treat it?
Places like Psychological Care & Healing Treatment Center realizes that Bipolar Disorder is a lifelong issue, with exacerbations and remissions. The Clinical Staff at PCH Treatment Center has extensive experience in dealing with this disorder. Dr. Jeff Ball has over 25 years in practice treating the spectrum of Bipolar Disorder. He served as a senior therapist in a clinical research project which looked at medication management in conjunction with family therapy in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, working with Drs. Michael Goldstein and David Miklowitz, foremost experts in this field. In addition to Dr. Ball, PCH Treatment Center features several doctoral level psychologists who have significant expertise in dealing with Clients with Bipolar Illness.
But what is Bipolar Disorder? 
A person who has bipolar disorder has intense moods that flip-flop back and forth between the low lows of depression and very energetic, high highs, which are called mania.
So what causes this condition?
It seems that it is caused by both genetics as well as environmental factors and your first episodes will hit before the age of 30 if you have more of the genetics.   
I have many people in my family as well as friends that have been diagnosed with this condition.  Some have gotten help and some like my mother have decided that being off medication is better for her.  
I however disagree.  I have watched her for many years. When she would be on meds.  Such a efexor she was a zombi.  She went to work, came home and laid on the couch and passed out.  She didnt even do the laundry.  I was 16 at the time. 
After that horrible situation she went off the meds.  Which made it that she was back in this world.  Yet she refused to try anything else.  
I believe that you just need to find a balance.  A medication that works for you.  But even if you are like my mother and you dont want to be on meds. for whatever reason.  There are places where you can get help.  
Places like Psychological Care & Healing Treatment Center.  They have a unique environment for persons with psychological problems who seek an intensive, novel way to resolve their issues. PCH Treatment provides a safe, caring and containing place to begin or continue the healing process. We provide non-judgmental, state-of-the-art individualized psychological treatment, utilizing the most advanced and effective treatment techniques for depression, mania, anxiety, and personality issues. We utilize the most up-to-date treatment modalities combined with a holistic model, focusing on both mind and body. Our individual therapists are at the doctoral level and have 15-25 years of experience. Our psychiatrists endeavor to provide as little medication as possible and only when needed. PCH Treatment Center provides an alternative to an often stigmatizing psychiatric hospital environment.
PCH Treatment Center strives to create a more affordable alternative to “spa-like” residential treatment options.
We do not treat those whose only issue is substance abuse, but rather focus our expertise on what we know best — psychological problems (we do treat those for whom chemical dependency is concurrent to psychological issues). We will design a custom treatment plan and coordinate with a 12-step program when appropriate.
PCH Treatment Center is founded and managed by health care professionals whose goal was to provide a cost-effective intensive treatment program specifically designed for Clients with psychological problems. The success of our Clients signifies that we are meeting and exceeding this goal.

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